Moving from Windows 10 to Ubuntu Linux

I've been using Windows 10 since the anniversary update, i tried to use it since it was released but I always had issues. Since I'm a persistent fellow, i was able to install it but I always had the feeling that i was using an unfinished, buggy and inconsistent product, something that i didn't experienced with Windows 8. Since i'm not able to install the tons of Windows updates after a fresh Windows 8 install ( for some reason they fail to install) i decided to try Linux. Since I don't have any experience I went the easy path with the most popular Linux distribution: Ubuntu . Prior installation steps Backups Just plugged an USB hard drive and copied my personal files. Although this is a simple and basic step, sometimes we just forget it. Download Ubuntu Just go to Ubuntu website and download the latest LTS version. Since I'm a beginner, LTS would be the safest choice. At this moment, the latest version is 16.04. Download Rufus Since I have USB flash drives I p...